Pony’s Stable

First Gift From Google

Several days a ago, I reveived a Fedex package. When I opened it … Bomb!

Payoneer pre-paid MasterCard with Google icon on it!


Good looking card. I guass someone will regret for using existing bank account. Also this is my first own credit card. Finally I can make payment without a phone from my dad :)

Google is ready to pay me now. “Are you OK?”( Leijun’s ‘Chinglish’ )

Kinda occupied in the last week. Luckily, I finished those buinesses. And now I am back again. The first feature I will add to theano is a function that allow user to make a copy of function and allow functions run multi-theadedly. There exist two similar features: pickle() and copy() of a function. To figure how I need to work. I need to take 3 steps as preparation:

  • Look into the code and see how function is generated Done
  • Look into the code and understand Function, FunctionMaker, Linker and FunctionGraph. next
  • Have a look at pickle and copy(), use them, figure out how them work and the differneces. Then think about my own idea.

Ok, now I need to go and take the step two now.